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Issue 5 - September - October 2007

Issue 5 - September - October 2007

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Fruit growing
Kellerhals M., von Burg S., Knobel P. A., Patocchi A., Duffy B., Christen D., Frey J.
Apple breeding at Agroscope ACW
39 (5), 287-294

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The aim of the apple breeding programme of Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil is to develop varieties with outstanding fruit quality, good production and durable resistance against the main pathogens. Following the crosses, the selection is performed applying classical and molecular methods. Marker-assisted selection is applied where different resistances against the same pathogen need to be combined. Application of markers is also now tested for fire blight resistance and for fruit quality, mainly fruit firmness and acidity. For the marketing of new varieties, ACW is successfully collaborating with the VariCom company.

Keywords: apple breeding, apple scab, fire blight, disease resistance, molecular markers


Adress: INRAE, UMR LAE, 68000 Colmar

Fruit growing
Siegrist J.-P., Cotter P.-Y.
Cold storage of Pinova apples in controlled atmosphere
39 (5), 295-300

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Cold storage of Pinova apples was tested during three years in aim to compare CA and ULO storage and to determine the optimal harvest period. ULO cold storage gave the best results on Pinova apples, especially in controlling scald. Under these conditions, cold storage keeps qualitative and sanitary level of Pinova apples until June.

Keywords: storage, ULO, apples, controlled atmosphere, quality, scald



Siegrist J.-P., Höhn E., Gasser F.
Recommandations 2007-2008 aux entrepositaires de fruits et légumes
39 (5), 301-306

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Des pommes croquantes, juteuses et pleines de saveur ont été vendues lors de la dernière saison d’entreposage 2006-2007. Leurs qualités gustatives ont pu être maintenues jusqu’à la fin de la saison de stockage grâce à l’application du SmartFresh™ (1-MCP). Cette année, le développement des fruits est en avance de dix à quatorze jours par rapport à 2006, par conséquent des récoltes plus précoces sont à prévoir. Pour un traitement au SmartFresh™, il est important de récolter les fruits au stade optimal de maturité et d’appliquer le procédé uniquement sur des fruits à la saveur pleinement développée.




Fruit growing
Neyroud J.-A., Amiguet S., Andrey G., Evequoz Ch.
Foliar diagnosis in the orchard: review of a 20 years study
39 (5), 307-313

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This study presents a review of experiments made during 20 years with the foliar diagnosis method. Leaves samples of apricot, cherry, pear and apple trees have been collected at prescribed dates on healthy and productive orchards and analysed for their N, P, K, Mg and Ca-contents. Reference values were calculated according to average contents and statistical distributions of the results. In some cases, specific reference values had to be defined for some varieties, nutrient elements or years. Any other sample can then be analysed and compared to the proper reference values; differences from reference values are interpreted in terms of nutrient availability, equilibrium in nutrient uptake and tree vigour. Results obtained so far confirm the interest of the foliar diagnosis approach; this method might be further improved by a more precise definition of sampling time and by a more elaborate evaluation of nutrient contents and ratios, as realised in the DRIS model.

Keywords: foliar diagnosis, leaf analysis, fertilizer recommendation




Salon SIMEI à Milan
39 (5), 314

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Grap growing news
Spring J.-L., Zufferey V.
Leaf surface and nitrogen supply in grapevine plants
39 (5), 315-322

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Experimental trials on Chasselas and Pinot noir vines were set up on the estate of the Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil Research Station at Pully, Vaud (Switzerland), in order to study the interaction between plant outgrowths and nitrogen supply in grapevines. Significant differences in leaf surface were obtained either by eliminating lateral buds or by varying the height of hedgerows. It became evident that nitrogen content in leaves at the time of fruit ripening and in musts at harvesting, as well as leaf chlorophyll content, were negatively correlated with an increase in vine plant outgrowth (total leaf surface). By exceptional climatic conditions or in situations where nitrogen supply may be restrictive, excessive leaf surface can increase nitrogen competition problems with possible repercussions on wine quality.

Keywords: leaf surface, grapevine, nitrogen competition, canopy management, wine quality



Abstract in open access

A traceability channel for Swiss oak wood destined to cooperages has been developed during the last five years and is about to meet certification requirements. Certified oak barrels released by the channel are sold under the guarantee label Terroir Chêne. Resulting from a joint work with the Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (EPFL), an interactive databank is currently being built in order to control all data generated by the channel from forestry operations via stave drying to barrel construction and heating. This will enable enologists to select the desired barrel by screening among various oakwood origins and species. Moreover, detailed technical and analytical data about heating conditions will be available. Finally, a new tool has been developed, which is aimed at predicting the main traits of the wooden aromatic profile of the wine to be raised in the selected barrel. This innovative tool should help the enologist to make adequate choices in the barrel acquisition process.

Keywords: certified channel, traceability, oakwood, guaranteed origin, cooperage, databank, predictive tool



Greenhouse crops
Crespo P., Baumgarner D., Kägi A., Heller W., Höhn E.
Maintaining carrot quality post harvest
39 (5), 327-331

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Black root rot of carrots is one of the main quality problems during distribution at point of sale. Soil borne fungi of the Chalara sp. are responsible for this carrot disease. They are found in most of the soils in the Swiss carrot production areas. This trial investigated on a commercial level the influence of soil contamination by Chalara sp., use of plastic liner in the storage containers, management of temperature and storage conditions as well as washing procedures on carrot quality and yield. In most of the storehouses the use of plastic liner improved yield. This study has shown that adhering to state-of-the-art storage regimes and using fresh water in the washing process make it possible to prevent black root rot development during the distribution phase of carrots produced in soils contaminated with Chalara sp.

Keywords: carrots, cold storage, carrot quality, black root rot, Chalara sp., storage losses, washing, post-harvest, temperature, humidity.


Adress: INRAE, UMR LAE, 68000 Colmar

Plant protection
Delabays N., Bohren C.
Glyphosate: worldwide situation and consequences for Switzerland
39 (5), 333-339

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Glyphosate-based weed control products are among the most widely used pesticides in the world. This paper reviews experiments and observations reported worldwide with this herbicide, as well as some recommendations regarding its use in Switzerland. Highly efficient against weeds, glyphosate has a relatively favourable toxicological and environmental profile. Nevertheless, numerous data clearly indicate that its use may promote resistant weeds development, and also contaminate surface water, especially rivers. In Switzerland too, glyphosate is now largely used in agriculture. Even though no case of resistance to glyphosate has been reported so far, user experience gathered worldwide dictates that we keep alert, especially with Conyza and Lolium species. Moreover, the rare data available in Switzerland about surface water contamination with glyphosate plead for a more careful use of this molecule.

Keywords: glyphosate, weed control, Switzerland.



Grap growing news
Burgos S., Dakhel N., Docourt M., Schwarz J.-J.
Etude des terroirs viticoles de Genève
39 (5), 342

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