In Switzerland, there are only a few effective and registered plant protection products for the control of the fire blight pathogen. In order to develop optimal fire blight management strategies, Agroscope conducts annual orchard trials on apple trees in bloom. The product Movento SC from Bayer was recently approved for use in viticulture against phylloxera and mealy bugs. This approval fills a gap against these two pests. Movento SC is compatible with PERs and the Vitiswiss certificate. The product is classified as N with respect to typhlodromes and parasitoids. Details of the registration can be found in the index of plant protection products of the Federal Office for Agriculture. The plant protection index for viticulture 2021 has been expanded with the product Movento SC and can be found on the Agroscope website as the second updated edition, March 2021. The index now also includes the date of the last update.

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